“The source of the soul’s power comes from being centered.” - CATHY RAYMOND
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For me, creating art is an act of prayer. It is as if I am chatting with my Creator and Creator responds with art. Art is then a reflection of my relationship with Creator. My first experience with this was when I was writing my book. I used art as a means of exploring my understanding of “soul.”


“Over the last five years I’ve been fortunate to attend numerous spiritual encounters that Cathy has created and led. All of these have provided me with a deeper sense of my spiritual journey and my identity as a woman of faith. In December, 2014 I participated in a self-guided Christmas prayer vigil with my daughter Emily, who was eight years old. Through candlelight, prayers, movement, symbols, silence, readings, and stations that integrated spiritual practices and artistic expression, we were transformed by the Holy Spirit. It is Cathy’s calling and gifts that enabled this spiritual encounter to take place, and I’m deeply grateful for her leadership and facilitation of this experience. I’m confident that all who participate in spiritual growth opportunities with Cathy will find themselves stretched, and spiritually transformed. What a gift to be given! I’m truly thankful for Cathy and the ways that her giftedness and personal faith journey touches the lives of those of us around her.”
- Rev. Denise Whitesell Mallek, Tumwater United Methodist Church

“When I first received the invitation to Cathy’s retreat – Women’s Days of Grace, I was filled with a sense of anticipation when I read the tag line, “Come, receive God’s grace.” And that is exactly what happened. Under Cathy’s leadership, guidance and inspiration, our group prayed, discussed, laughed and meditated at a level I’ve not experienced in a long time. I came away from the day inspired and enriched. I would not hesitate to encourage someone to participate in one of Cathy’s workshops or retreats. I plan to treat myself to another moment of grace and graciousness soon.”
- Lydia Henry, Clackamas, Oregon

“Truth be known, it was with a little trepidation that I attending Cathy's "Art of Creation" workshop. The content and the process really is not my normal mode of operation, so it was going to be a stretch. As the sessions progressed, I was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed the content of Cathy's presentations, the interaction amongst the participants, and the nature of the varied activities. Yes, I was stretched, but I appreciated the personal growth that occurred with Cathy's guidance. ”
- Dave Burfeind, Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center

“Cathy’s Art of Creation was carefully developed and provided the structure for me to explore my spiritual gifts and talents. I learned a lot about myself and had time to think about my faith journey in a new and different way. It was a deeply personal experience that continues to enrich my life.”
- Jane Boubel, Sunriver, OR

“What a wonderful day we shared. I had no idea what to expect – but you sure made it a very special day to remember. Thank you for being a superb leader, all the fun art, the great music and the amazing camaraderie! I can’t wait until next year’s retreat.”
- Roxanne Cobb, PEO, Olympia WA

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Reclaiming the Soul of Human Resources

Reclaiming the Sould of Human Resources

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