“The source of the soul’s power comes from being centered.” - CATHY RAYMOND
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For me, creating art is an act of prayer. It is as if I am chatting with my Creator and Creator responds with art. Art is then a reflection of my relationship with Creator. My first experience with this was when I was writing my book. I used art as a means of exploring my understanding of “soul.”



Fundamentally, Cathy believes that her life’s purpose is to nurture and protect the human spirit. She does this by helping others explore and deepen their relationship with God. She helps others:

  • Put God at the center of everything
  • Pay attention to the prompts of the Holy Spirit
  • Use art to engage the spiritual practices
  • Seek spiritual direction
  • Give voice to deepest needs
  • Sing their own song
  • Live in gratitude

Of her spiritual gifts in administration, leadership and wisdom she says: “I spent years denying and saying “no” to these gifts. They were not the ones I wanted! When I finally surrendered, I figured out that I didn’t have to engage these gifts in the traditional way – I could engage them in the unique way God had designed for me.”

She shares her calling, her talents and her spiritual gifts in many ways.

art of creation

Art of Creation®

Art of Creation® is Cathy’s signature retreat. Its purpose is to deepen our spiritual connection to God’s creation. God’s creation and art are a natural – they go hand in hand. From the very first verse in the Book of Genesis our imagination is tapped. As humans we experience God’s creation through our five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Using art and the five senses, participants explore their spiritual connection to God’s magnificent creation. This three-night, three day retreat is best done in a camp and retreat setting. Components of this retreat can be done in day-long or two-day offerings.

Spiritual Retreat Design and Facilitation

We have four forms of human energy: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Yes, that’s right! We all have a spiritual side and our souls hunger for the exercise and deepening of this life-giving energy. And yet, many of us don’t have a sense for what this spiritual side is, much less how to access it. Cathy will design and facilitate retreats that explore this vital spiritual energy. Participants will experience many different spiritual practices using wonderfully forgiving forms of art. All retreats include a time of worship and are rich with prayer. Cathy works closely with church or group organizers to plan a meaningful experience.

Prayer Vigils and Retreats

Communing with our Great God is essential to a rich and fruitful spiritual life. So, why is it such a struggle? Too many excuses! I don’t have time; others will think I’m weird if I pray in public; I don’t have the right words; my needs are small and selfish; God doesn’t listen, so why bother; I don’t know how. We’ve talked ourselves out of prayer before we even get started. And yet, there always persists this knowledge that a prayer life is good and we need to do more of it. Cathy will create prayer vigils that use many forms of simple and personal prayer. These vigils are self-directed with prayer stations. Each prayer station has instruction and some prayer action. Participants come and go as they please and spend as much or little time as they wish at any or all of the prayer stations. A prayer retreat is more intentional and structured with retreatants coming for the day or longer and spending meaningful time in individual and group prayer. Cathy works closely with church or group organizers to plan a meaningful experience.

Preaching and Presenting

Hearing the Word of God spoken with love and care and energy is a real treat! Cathy will engage and challenge the congregation or group to apply God’s Word to their daily lives. Messages are Biblically-based, often use art or some other visually inspired props, and always include a time of praise and thanksgiving.

Using Art

Most of the time when the word “art” is used, we run the opposite direction! Yet art is such a great way to explore and learn difficult concepts. And, it isn’t hard to do. Really! Cathy will come spend time with your Sunday School teachers, your camp staff, your VBS volunteers, and pretty much anyone to teach how to use art in encountering the Bible, prayer, and faith exploration. This is hands-on training and instruction includes ways to adapt each art form to different ages and stages.

Buy the Book

Reclaiming the Soul of Human Resources

Reclaiming the Sould of Human Resources

Paperback - $14.95
eDownload - $10.00

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