“The source of the soul’s power comes from being centered.” - CATHY RAYMOND
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For me, creating art is an act of prayer. It is as if I am chatting with my Creator and Creator responds with art. Art is then a reflection of my relationship with Creator. My first experience with this was when I was writing my book. I used art as a means of exploring my understanding of “soul.”

Want to know how to build capacity in your organization?

Put the “human” back into human resources! That’s right – it is back to our roots, where people are every bit as important as the bottom line. The purpose of Human Resources is to nurture and protect the human spirit. Everything we do: decisions we make, policies we write, contracts we negotiate, compensation studies we conduct – are aligned to fulfill this purpose. Coupled with the mission, vision and values of the organization, the result is magical.

Cathy shares how Human Resources professionals can contribute to this all-important capacity in her book Reclaiming the Soul of Human Resources, How to Recover the Purpose of HR to Nurture and Protect the Human Spirit.

Learn the nine strategies for reclaiming the soul and building capacity:

It's simple, really. When the people flourish, so does the organization. Here are nine strategies that support both the people and the organization.

  1. Bring out the best in others.
  2. Place people in the right jobs.
  3. Hire the right people for the right jobs.
  4. Manage by expectation.
  5. Give second chances.
  6. Care about employee health and welfare.
  7. Nurture mutual respect in labor relations.
  8. Achieve balance.
  9. Above all, protect the human spirit.

The Five Principles of Soul

  1. The soul requires freedom. The soul is nourished with openness and freedom. Sometimes this means letting go of the controls and allowing the human spirit to shine.
  2. The soul is felt, not thought. When we use our brains to the exclusion of our hearts, compassion gets lost and the spirit suffers.
  3. The soul thrives on surprise. When we can relax and allow the flow and moment of the circumstance to happen, we are often surprised by amazing results. Being open to surprise is the antidote for fear of change.
  4. The soul is healed through forgiveness. Every time we forgive ourselves or others, we restore a piece of our soul.
  5. The source of the soul’s power comes from being centered. If we know who we are, why we are, and what our values are, we operate from a position of confidence and power.

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Reclaiming the Soul of Human Resources

Reclaiming the Sould of Human Resources

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