God’s Story

How many of you love a good story?  I love audio books.  I always have one in my car and I never travel without a book on my I-Pod.  I listen mostly to unabridged versions which means that they are long and detailed.  My ability to hear and keep track of the story is largely dependent on the narrator – the story-teller.  Jim Dale is one of my favorites.  He made the Harry Potter books come alive.  Every character had a different and distinctive voice.  I can’t imagine trying to keep track of all of that.  And then there are great story-tellers like Garrison Keeler or Tom Bodett.  They lovingly create their characters and before long we are drawn into the life of community – Lake Wobegon, Minnesota  and End of the Road, Alaska – so well that we feel like we know them personally.  They are friends and family.  Masterful story-tellers.

Another master story-teller was Moses.  It is thought that Moses compiled and edited the oral history of generations – the Book of Genesis.  Genesis is one story after the next.  And Moses tells these stories beautifully.  My personal favorite story is the Creation story.  Let’s read the first few verses:

“In the beginning, God created everything: the heavens above and the earth below.  Here’s what happened: At first the earth lacked shape and was totally empty, and a dark fog draped over the deep while God’s spirit-wind hovered over the surface of the empty waters.  Then there was the voice of God.  Let there be light.  And light flashed into being.  God saw that the light was beautiful and good, and He separated the light from the darkness.  God named the light “day” and the darkness “night.”  Evening gave way to morning.  That was day one.”   Genesis 1:1-5, The Voice

I love the Creation Story.  I love the mystery of it all.  I love that God speaks the universe into existence.  I love that God, from nothing, creates everything.  I love the imagery of chaos and darkness and emptiness giving way to order and light and life.  I love that God was so delighted with His handiwork.  I love that in loneliness and deep desire for companionship He created humanity.

And, thus, you and I begin.   My message is a simple one: we are a part of God’s story.  Try as I did, I could not make this deeper or broader.  I think God wanted this to be a simple message:  we are a part of God’s story.

I have on occasion wondered how I came to be where I am today.  This is the picture I get of how this happened.  Somewhere in God’s endless file cabinet is a file folder with my name on it: Cathy Gale Raymond.  In this folder is a record of my conception and birth and first tooth and schooling and misdeeds and knocked out front teeth and art work.  Recorded are accomplishments (big and small), and failures (minute and gigantic).  There is a log of all the seeds God has planted, the date they were planted and the date they bore fruit. Some are still waiting to bear fruit.  And on the front cover of the file folder with the name Cathy Gale Raymond on it is a master plan of God’s plan for me and a rather extensive list of Plan B’s!.

I did not pull this image out of nothing.  Psalm 139 really gives birth to this idea.  Hear these words from Psalm 139: 1-5:

“You have explored my heart and know exactly who I am; you even know the small details like when I take a seat and when I stand up again.  Even when I’m far away you know what I’m thinking.  You observe my wanderings and my sleeping, my waking and my dreaming.  You know everything I do in more detail than even I know.”

And this continues with the familiar words from Psalm 139:13:

“For you shaped me, inside and out.  You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath.”

Whether we like it or not; whether we know it or not; whether we believe it or not – God is the creator of our lives.  We are characters in God’s story.

In the Women’s Bible Study, we have been studying the prophet Jeremiah.  Jeremiah 18 the image of the Potter and the clay comes to life.  God says through Jeremiah:

“You are like clay in My hands – I will mold you as I see fit.” (Jer 18:6)

God is truly our maker.  Creator makes the clay from ashes and dust.  Then Creator carefully molds us in God’s image.  Creator imbues us with gifts and talents and intellect and heart and then fires us in life’s kiln to give us strength.  And finally, Creator uses us to tell God’s story.

This is our role – our job.  We are made to be story-tellers to tell the story of God through our hearts, our words and our actions.  We are each unique and thus the way we tell God’s story is different for each.  How do you tell God’s story?

  • Do you feed the hungry?
  • Do you read to children?
  • Do you provide blankets for the homeless?
  • Do you create jobs?
  • Do you visit the infirm or lonely?
  • Do you call on those in prison?
  • Do you walk dogs at the local animal shelter?
  • Do you make cookies for a memorial service?
  • Do you mow the lawn of an elderly neighbor?
  • Do you rake leaves from the storm drains?
  • Do you sing in the choir?
  • Do you lead a Scout troop?
  • Do you financially support a kid going to camp?
  • Do you recycle, reuse, repurpose?
  • Do you greet strangers with a smile?
  • Do you listen with compassion?
  • Do you speak the Word of God?

And the list goes on and on and on and on.  Each and every one of you is made to tell God’s story in your own unique way.

I don’t pretend for a minute that this is easy.  On a good day or in a good year, we may have to look beyond our own pleasure or success or contentment to see the story-telling opportunities that await.  On a bad day or a bad year we need to look beyond our personal misery, suffering and pain to see the story-telling opportunities.  Either way, God calls us to take the strength of the vessel Creator has created in each of us, and use that to tell of God’s promise, and faithfulness, and strength, and compassion, and justice, and mercy, and grace.

There is a song that sums this up so beautifully.  The Potter’s Hand (Darlene Zschech)).  Hear these lyrics:

Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Savior

I know for sure, all of my days are held in your hands, crafted

Into your perfect plan

You gently call me into your presence guiding me by Your Holy Spirit

Teach me dear Lord to live all of my life through Your eyes

I’m captured by Your holy calling

Set me apart, I know you’re drawing me to yourself

Lead me Lord I pray.

Take me, mold me, use me, fill me

I give my life to the Potter’s hand

Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me

I give my life to the Potter’s hand.

You and I are part of God’s Story.  Creator made us lovingly and perfectly to be master story-tellers – telling the story of God through our hearts, our words and our actions.  Let us go forth and tell God’s Story.